About Silex :
As you probably know, Silex is the only free and opensource website builder. Since 2009, designers, entrepreneurs, web developers use Silex to create professional showcase websites, starting from a blank page or on the basis of sample provided free templates.
Behind Silex, there’s a non profit organization, Silex Labs, that ensures Silex is still free, that it respects your privacy and web standards. On the other hand we use Silex to introduce beginners to the web business, Silex being a source of motivation and a tool to fight the digital divide.
In order to improve Silex we will launch a crowdfunding campaign in April 2016.
Session #1
– Getting started
– Make a website for my latest project or business starting from a template
– Useful widgets (OSM, diaspora, twitter, FB, Piwik, Flickr gallery, slideshow, contact form)
– Publish the website online with Netlify, and add a custom domain name = add links on the video to alternative free hosting with a custom domain name
– Mobile editor to create a mobile friendly version of the website (responsive) – ??? – use preprod and talk about the crowd funding