“Linuxcare, Inc., the first company to provide a complete
solution for technical support, education, training, and product
certification for Fortune 500 companies, announced today the
Get-Out-The-Vote (GOTV) effort for the New Leader of the Free
“Even if you sat out the 60s, missed the Senate impeachment
trials, or skipped the Microsoft Windows Refund Day Protest, you
can still voice your vote for freedom — Open Source freedom. As
noted in Friday’s Northern California Edition of the Wall Street
Journal, the young company is holding an election for the next
Leader of the Free World! Who would you choose: Bill Bradley,
George Bush, Jr., Bill Gates, Al Gore, Dan Quayle, or Linus
“Early exit poll results are not yet available. However, one
possible proxy of online popularity is the number of Web sites that
feature the candidate’s name. A quick test of this on Yahoo!
indicates that Bill Gates is far out ahead, with 111,859 sites,
followed by Al Gore with 47,487 sites, Bill Bradley with 44,313
sites, George Bush Junior with 16,275 sites, Linus Torvalds with
11,071 sites and Dan Quayle bringing up the rear with 7,759 sites.
Is this a leading indicator that the next leader of the Free World
will hail from Redmond? Or will he be trounced in a surprise upset
by a more seasoned, less wired politico? Or, is there a dark horse
in this race that will overturn all expectations?”