
VNU Net: Open Source Forum: Analysts divided over impact of Linux on NT

“Analysts were divided this week at the Open Source Forum in
Austin, Texas, as to whether Linux posed a real threat to
Microsoft’s Windows NT and whether users were replacing the one
operating system (OS) with the other.”

“Jim Johnson, president of the Standish Group, was adamant that:
‘The replacement and non proliferation of NT is the most prevelant
influence of Linux and Microsoft has been hit the hardest by it.
While nothing will slow the Microsoft juggernaut but Microsoft,
people will find that Windows 2000 is worse than NT 4.0 and will
flood to other OSs.'”

“Stacey Quandt, an analyst with Giga Information Group, agreed.
‘Most people are evaluating Linux as a replacement to NT rather
than Unix. Some 60 per cent of our clients are disatisfied with
Microsoft, which is a company in transition. We’ll see a different
landscape by 2002.'”

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