Thanks to Eigil
Bjørgum for this link.
“Linux, the popular free UNIX clone, is cool right? But what if
you’re not a systems administrator, programmer, or network guru?
Give Linux to a non-techie who’s never heard of a ‘command-line’
and they’re unlikely to be impressed…until maybe you show him the
GNU Image Manipulation Program, more affectionately known as ‘The
“GIMP is a full-featured graphics application for manipulating,
processing, and creating images. It combines both the feel and
power of Adobe Photoshop, but without the cost. You see, GIMP has
been developed and released under the GNU General Public License
(GPL), which basically means it free for everyone. So, just as long
as you’re running Linux, GIMP won’t cost you a dime, just the
download time.”