Release highlights Wireshark 2.2.0 include support for SSL or TLS over TCP for the “Decode As” feature, the ability to disable coloring rules instead of discarding them to provide backward compatibility with the coloring rule changes in Wireshark 2.2, the implementation of the “-d” option for “Decode As” to mimic the TShark functionality, which now supports export of network packets in the JSON format, as well as support for the -j, -J, and -l flags to the Qt graphical interface. The list of new features integrated in Wireshark 2.2 continues with the return of the Firewall ACL Rules dialog, support for switching between File Format and Capture dissection of the current capture file, the ability to view packet bytes as YAML, ASCII, UTF-8, HTML, ISO 8859-1, Image, Raw, or a C array, along with support for displaying them as EBCDIC, the addition of UTF-16 support to the Follow Stream dialog, and a brand new Bluetooth Device Details dialog.
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