
Would you like fries with that?

[ Thanks to Linux User &
Developer magazine
for this link. ]

“This time, though, I wasn’t quite so lucky. Once I’d found the
laptop that I needed to get – with the only OSes on offer
being Windows 7 and Mac OS – I called the assistant over. It
was going well. ‘I’d like this one, please,’ I said, expecting some
favourable acknowledgement in return.

“And then he threw me. I’d like to think that if I ever run a
shop and someone wants to buy something, I’d show some
appreciation, or courtesy, or something vaguely human. Here? The
response was simply this: ‘What anti-virus package are you looking
to use?’

“All I’d asked for was a laptop. In return, I got a question
about security software. An ironic one, given that the laptop in
question actually came with some pre-bundled. I recovered my
composure and replied: ‘I’m sorted thank you’. But the assistant
wasn’t finished. ‘But which package are you using?”, as he hovered
next to a Norton display. ‘I’m sorted thank you,’ I repeated, with
as much of a sinister glare as I could muster. It wasn’t very
sinister, in all honesty, but it just about did the job.”

Complete Story

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