
6 of the Best Free Linux MAC/RBAC Tools

[ Thanks to LinuxLinks for this link.

“One of the most difficult problems in managing a large network
is the complexity of security administration. The deployment of
individual security products such as firewalls, intrusion detection
systems, network traffic analysis, log file analysis, or antivirus
software is never going to provide adequate protection for
computers that are connected to the internet. For example, a good
network intrusion prevention and detection system (such as Snort)
does an exemplary job at detecting attacks within traffic. However,
this type of detection does not offer any sort of damage
containment. Equally, a firewall offers an outstanding method at
defining what type of traffic is allowed in a network, but does not
offer any deep protocol analysis.

“A more coordinated approach is needed to ensure that an
organisation retains data integrity and security. A popular
approach is to deploy the ‘onion’ technique whereby multiple,
overlapping layers of security are used to protect a network or
computer. Using this technique, a system or network will have much
more resilience from attacks.”

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