From: Sitzkrieg Redundus <sitz@ONASTICK.NET> Subject: Frontpage extensions under Apache 1.3.4 Date: Fri, 19 Feb 1999 18:31:23 -0500 To: Reply-To: Sitzkrieg Redundus <sitz@ONASTICK.NET> I spent the bulk my time a few days back convincing the Frontpage 98 extensions and Apache 1.3.4 (patched with patch version to play nicely. After banging my head against it for a few hours, I got things to what I thought was a workable point, and fired up httpd. And got an error back about there being a syntax error on line 1 of /dev/null. *blink* By default, Apache 1.3.4 places all runtime directives in httpd.conf, and leaves srm.conf and access.conf empty. From the default httpd.conf: " You can have the server ignore these files altogether by using '/dev/null' (for Unix) or "nul" (for Win32) for the arguments to the directives." Great. Except that when creating a root web, calls fpsrvadm.exe, which moves the file specified by the "ResourceConfig" directive "file.bak" and installs its own. Thus, on systems running the Apache 1.3.4 where the user has followed the advice in the httpd.conf (or *any* Apache install which points ResourceConfig and AccessConfig to /dev/null for that matter) we see before: stanis# ls -la /dev/null crw-rw-rw- 1 root root 1, 3 Feb 4 16:35 /dev/null and after: -rw-rw-r-- 1 root root 67 Feb 4 17:56 /dev/null crw-rw-rw- 1 root root 1, 3 Feb 4 16:35 /dev/null.bak Silly fpsrvadm.... what have we told you about playing with character devices? Heh... nothing, it seems. When I spoke with Ready-to-Run on the phone, they indicated that Apache 1.3.4 wasn't a supported platform. As previously noted, however this doesn't just effect Apache 1.3.4. Ready-to-Run software was notified of this a week ago via their bug reporting system and by phone. Noah Robin
Frontpage 98 extensions don’t play well with Apache 1.3.4
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