
IBM developerWorks: EMERALD’s component-based approach to network security

[ Thanks to Mojo
for this link. ]

“Programmers and software developers interested in security
applications for component technology should keep tabs on work
underway at Stanford Research Institute (SRI) International, a
nonprofit research institute based in Menlo Park, California.”

Stanford Research Institute (SRI) has been tasked by the
Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) to develop ways
to use component technology to distribute real-time security
monitoring throughout enterprise networks.

“According to Phillip Porras, program director of network
security for SRI, the components emerging from DARPA’s project,
aptly named the Event Monitoring Enabling Responses to Anomalous
Live Disturbances (EMERALD), are capable of providing anomaly and
misuse detection for networks of all sizes.”

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