“Most attackers don’t need the source code.”
“Hiding your program’s (or operating system’s) source code
doesn’t buy you the security that you’d expect. Hackers have been
reverse engineering or doing “Black Box analysis” for years.
Just because I can’t see the original C source code for a program
doesn’t mean that I can’t run it in a debugging, or code execution
trace environment, to watch its operation. The point to keep in
mind is this: for a computer’s processor to execute a program, it
has to be able to read each instruction. Each instruction is a bit
of machine code, which is transformed quite easily to assembly
code. Some programs can attempt to convert the machine/assembly
code into the more easily readable C code. As many people can read
C and Assembly, especially the hackers who will develop the
exploits against a program, closing the source doesn’t stop a
number of hackers from finding vulnerabilities in your program! A
recent example of this was illustrated in a Bugtraq post last
December, where BindView’s Todd Sabin illustrated a vulnerability
in Windows NT’s SYSKEY, which was discovered without source and was
aided by the use of a disassembler.”
“Even simpler “Black Box” analysis is alive and well. Many
vulnerable programs can even be cracked, or “exploited,” without
the need to understand the code well. The Spring 2000 edition of
2600 magazine contains an article on “Finding and exploiting bugs”
that focuses on attacking closed source programs by using
techniques like boundary testing, where you try feeding a program
unexpected input types to find bugs associated with boundary
conditions. Most software security problems stem from a few basic
programming flaws, such as buffer overflows, which can be detected
using this sort of analysis.”