One year after the release of Debian GNU/Linux 4.0 alias ‘etch’
and nearly three years after the release of Debian GNU/Linux 3.1
alias ‘sarge’ the security support for the old distribution (3.1
alias ‘sarge’) is coming to an end next month. The Debian project
is proud to be able to support its old distribution for such a long
time and even for one year after a new version has been
The Debian project has released Debian GNU/Linux 4.0 alias
‘etch’ on the 8th of April 2007. Users and Distributors have been
given a one-year timeframe to upgrade their old installations to
the current stable release. Hence, the security support for the old
release of 3.1 is going to end in March 2007 as previously
Previously announced security updates for the old release will
continue to be available on