
SecurityPortal: Ask Buffy – Nukenabber, IE 5 privacy, hits on port 111

Questions this week cover NukeNabber, http_referrer, restricting
Win98, port 111, http redirection, and DShield.org:

  • I use a freeware product called NukeNabber. Link at:
    http://www.dynamsol.com/puppet/ It sounds an alarm and blocks the
    scanned or affected port automatically for a configurable period of
    time. Is this good enough? Do I need a product that has more
    firewall functionality?
  • I would like to know how I can block Internet Explorer 5 of
    releasing my last visited site to the next web site?
  • How can I deny to the user to install on client windows 98
    under windows 2000 server?
  • Lately I am getting A LOT of hits on port 111 at home.
    Currently I am blocking it but according to my firewall logs I get
    around 30 – 50 hits a day from all over the world. I know that port
    111 is the RPC port under NT (I’m running 2000 Pro.) and I was just
    wondering is it used for anything else. I’ve tried looking around
    on the web for any exploits involving port 111 but I did not find
    anything. But still, getting that many hits a day is suspicious to
  • I have a simple problem. I want that if any user types in
    http:\url.com..by mistake then it should get redirected to
    https:\url.com. I am using apachewebserver with jserv. Please tell
    me how to do about it.


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