
POSIX IO Must Die!

“POSIX IO is becoming a serious impediment to IO performance and
scaling. POSIX is one of the standards that enabled portable
programs and POSIX IO is the portion of the standard surrounding
IO. But as the world of storage evolves with greatly increasing
capacities and greatly increasing performance, it is time for POSIX
IO to evolve or die.

“POSIX (Portable Operating System Interface for Unix) is a set
of standards that define the application programming interface
(API) as well as some shell and utility interfaces. It was
developed primarily for *nix operating systems but actually any
operating system can utilize the standards. POSIX IO (not an
official name) is the portion of the standard that defines the IO
interface for POSIX compliant applications. Function such as
read(), write(), open(), close(), lseek(), fwrite(), fread(), and
so on, are defined including their errors. But these definitions
were first codified in 1988 – 22 years ago!”


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