James Henstridge
I have released new versions of pygtk (python bindings for GTK)
and gnome-python (python bindings for GNOME — includes pygtk). It
is mainly a bug fix release, but there are a few new features
- wrappers for gnome_canvas_item_affine_relative and absolute. I
also added a module gnome.affine that can be used to help construct
the affine transformations from simpler ones. - It should be possible to build the package with srcdir !=
builddir now. - If you set the environment variable PYGTK_FATAL_EXCEPTIONS to a
non null value before starting the a pygtk program, an exception in
a signal handler or callback will cause the event loop to exit as
well. This is useful for debuging scripts with debuggers like pdb,
as you get access to the traceback. - Miscelaneous bugfixes.
Pygtk will soon be up on:
and gnome-python (which includes pygtk) is available at:
Both packages are also available from my ftp area at:
James Henstridge.