
CNET: IE 5.0: Mindshare over matter?

(Main body of article concerns MS IE5 market strategy–the
last three paragraphs, below, refer to the Netscape/Mozilla open
source browser coming out this summer – Ed.)

“Netscape continues to refine the next-generation browser engine
for its software, known as Gecko. The technology represents some of
the first fruits in the company’s strategy to move toward an open
source development system.

Not surprisingly, Netscape executives characterized the IE 5.0
upgrade as ‘a minor release’ and said the focus of their
development efforts–making browsers smaller and faster–better
reflect the industry’s direction.

‘IE 5.0 is one small step for Windows, while Gecko is a giant
leap for the Net,’ said Chris Saito, director of client product
marketing for the company.”


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