“The release of the Linux version of one of Big Blue’s most
prestigious software products is an indication of the gradually
increasing respect given to the upstart Unix clone. Though
it’s more popular among programmers and in small-scale servers,
Linux developers have aspirations that their operating system will
be used widely in heavy-duty servers as well.”
“IBM is folding Linux support into its servers based on Intel
and PowerPC chips and also is supporting the OS within its
high-profile services group. While it’s a relatively incremental
addition to its huge array of products and services, it’s
significant philosophically because of the credibility of the IBM
“The DB2 software’s price is based on the number of processors
the program uses… IBM formerly also based the price on how many
people used the database software, but the company dropped that
pricing scheme because it was too complex and because the arrival
of the Internet means thousands or millions of people might need to
access a database.”