Escuelas Linux 7.1 comes only one and a half months after the major Escuelas Linux 7.0 release and introduces a newer kernel, Linux 5.11, from the upcoming Ubuntu 20.04.3 LTS (Focal Fossa) point release. Of course, Escuelas Linux 7.1 is still derived from Bodhi Linux 6.0 and uses the latest Moksha (version 0.3.3-13) graphical desktop environment.
Updated educational apps in Escuelas Linux 7.1 include Blender 2.93.3 3D modeling software, eXe Learning 2.6 software for creating educational interactive web content, GeoGebra 5.0.650 interactive geometry, algebra, statistics and calculus application, Inkscape 1.1.1 vector graphics editor, LiveCode 9.6.3, and Scratch Desktop 3.25 IDEs, LibreOffice 7.2 office suite, and Veyon 4.5.6 computer monitoring and classroom management tool.