Thanks to Rob Kennedy for
this link.
“Apache can be linked to modules. There are various modules
available, including mod_ssl for Secure Socket Layer, mod_bandwidth
for bandwidth management, mod_perl for Perl integration, and much
more. Modules are normally compiled at the same time that Apache is
compiled. The mod_perl module is what interests us.”
“To install mod_perl, you need the Apache package, the Perl
distribution, and mod_perl.”
“Configuration of mod_perl is easy, as it only requires a few
changes to the Apache configuration file, and the creation of your
Perl scripts.”
“One of the mod_perl developers published some time ago an
experiment where a CGI form with a counter and a single text field
run 100 times took 12 secs to run under mod_perl and 250 secs under
normal CGI.
“Performance issues are always hard to measure, since no two
setups are the same. The choice of a language depends more often on
what you want to do with it; complex form and text processing, or
database integration and dynamic page creation.”