
First 100 Winners Announced in ICS’ BX PRO Giveaway

When Integrated Computer Solutions, Inc. (ICS), the leading
supplier of user interface development tools for UNIX, announced
April 5 the availability of its flagship product, Builder Xcessory
(BX PRO(tm)), for Red Hat Linux, ICS also announced that it would
give away 1,000 free licenses for open source development over the
next 10 weeks to visitors of its website.

According to ICS, “BX PRO is the GUI builder preferred by UNIX
software developers because its WYSIWYG environment simplifies and
speeds the creation of user interfaces.”

The names of first 100 winners of the Personal Use Licensed Copy
of BX PRO for Linux have today been contacted via email and a
listing of them can be viewed on the ICS Web site.

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