
GeekSpeek: Open Source Heroes

[ Thanks to Rick
for this link. ]

“I was attending a LUG meeting the other night and happened into
an interesting conversation, a number of the members were
discussing who, in their opinion, was a true hero of the open
source movement. As you can imagine many of the names mentioned
were those we hear about all the time in the press, tech
publications, etc. But as I stood there listening to the discussion
I wondered to myself silently, are these people the only true
heroes of the open source community?

“As I was driving home I pondered the question a bit more. I
guess in some ways the open source idols we hear so much about
could be considered heroes, after all, without their efforts and
dedication open source would not be where it is today, but what
level of contribution to the cause makes one a hero…?”

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