
GNU/Linux: Current State of Voice Dictation and Recognition

[ Thanks to Gene
for this link. ]

“I have a friend who is suffering from a degenerative
chronic disease. It is slowly destroying his ability to use his
hands to type and interact with his personal computer. This makes
it difficult for him to correspond in e-mail, type documents in a
word processor or do any other task that requires much interaction
using the keyboard and/or mouse interface. He has recently
purchased Dragon NaturallySpeaking to use with his Microsoft Vista
based PC in an attempt to overcome his problem. As of now he is in
limbo over starting up with training NaturallySpeaking for use due
to another reason.

“That other reason is my friend wants me to assist him to move
to GNU/Linux on his new Dell PC (8 GB memory, 500 GB hard disk, a
16x DVD±RW drive, plus a second read only Blu-ray drive, AMD
Phenom 2.4 MHz 9750 quad processor, Vista Home Premium OS, MS
Works, etc.) He will run the Vista that came with it in a virtual
machine in case he needs something that is not available on Linux.
One of the primary requirements is assistive software that will
allow him to interact with the PC for command and control. I am
happy to report there is at least this level of voice support
available. But this assistive software must also take dictation
fairly accurately so he can more easily use e-mail and a word

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