“The Pizza Delivery System is a GTK+ Application for automating
the order processing of both delivery and take away orders for your
average Pizza Bar, Cafe, Bistro, etc.”
“The system is available from Eljay or one of our dealers as a
complete turn-key system that includes a computer, network
infrastructure, and a receipt printer.”
“The system will be immediately useful for the smallest
business, as it is very easy to setup and use. However, the system
can also scale effortlessly to enable a large network of computer
all working together for a larger store. The system will also cope
with a large chain of stores spread across various locations, with
databases synchronized nightly via modem transfers of data.”
“The unique aspect of this system is that although it is a fully
commercial offering, it is also published under the GNU Public
License, which means that ANYONE is free to download the entire
source code for the system, extend or modify the program without
having to pay ANY fees or incur ANY royalties. This way, we hope to
encourage other developers to add value to the product, establish
an international support network, and to have the product made
available to businesses in markets where it is not economical for
us to market it.”
“Finally, this is a product which has benefitted from being used
by real businesses in real settings, which has enabled the system
to move beyond the software lab and evolve a structure that we are
confident would suit the operations of any typical fast food
delivery business.”
“There will always be exceptions to this rule however, and we
strive to incorporate any number of customizations to suit any
prospective customer.”
“The configuration of the database includes full auditing on
orders (so the operator can see a history of changes to an order),
and automatic scripts for database backups and replaying
transactions for disaster recovery.”