
KernelTrap: XFS In 2.4?

[ Thanks to Jeremy
for this link. ]

“In a recent thread on the lkml, Nathan Scott requested that
Marcelo merge the core 2.4 kernel changes required to support the
XFS filesystem. Marcelo replied that XFS was best left as a 2.6
feature, noting that ‘2.6 is already stable enough for people to
use it.’ Nathan tried again, explaining:

“‘Please reconsider–the ‘core’ kernel changes we need have
existed for three+ years outside of the mainline tree, and each is
a small and easily understood change that doesn’t affect other
filesystems. There is also a VFS fix in there from Ethan Benson, as
we discussed during 2.4.23-pre, when you asked us to resend XFS for
2.4.24-pre! Everything there is a backport from 2.6 in some form,
there should be no surprises…'”


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