
Law.com: Linux: It’s Not Microsoft

[ Thanks to Douglas D.
for this link. ]

“New Systems and Software Offer Choices for Lawyers Seeking
Reliable, Low-Cost Computing”

“I’ve started learning and using a new operating system (OS)
called Linux. It seems stable, it makes economic sense to me, and
I’m finding it fairly easy to use. To me, it makes sense for solo
or small-firm attorneys to consider these new choices.
you’re in a big firm on a different OS, Linux might enhance that
old PC at home, the one that often freezes up.)”

“Linux routinely gets high marks from tech journalists and users
for its reliability. Users frequently report their Linux Web
servers (running Linux soulmate, the free Apache Web server) run
non-stop, months at a time, without a crash and without even being

“Linux makes economic sense for growing a business or small
firm. It’s inexpensive, and its open-source license generally
permits the OS to be freely copied onto multiple computers. That
can be a major cost savings in adding PCs. (Much software on Linux,
including some office programs, also permit copying. Usually, if
you have to buy Linux software, it’s modestly priced.)”


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