“Being among the first in porting software from Windows to
Linux can’t be easy. Especially if you do not have any feeling for
the Linux community. Still, it is nice to see software that you
have played with – and sort of liked – under your new OS. This is
what has happened to CoffeeCup Software’s HTML Editor
“First let me say that feature-vs-easy-of-use wise it is
superior to just about anything on Linux. I feel that Amaya is the
closest rival if it just wasn’t so eccentric. (At least I think
it’s eccentric). In HTML Editor ++ you get wizards, albeit limited,
for creating tables and frames. You get three rows of buttons
across the top and a set of handy menu short cuts along the right
hand side of the screen (Align left, right, centre, new paragraph,
new line, etc). And you also get – which I think shows a lack of
understanding of Linux culture a big–no, gigantic– shareware
banner across and towards the top of the screen…”
“A main “selling point” is the directory and file navigation
system pioneered by HomeSite. On the left side of the screen you
get two boxes, one for directories and one for files. You navigate
you site tree by double clicking on the directory name and open the
file by clicking on the file name in the box below. Brilliantly