LML26415 is PCI card for full resolution (D1) analog
video/audio input and output, based on OpenCores PCI controller and
MG1264 (Dallas/Mobilygen) motion video processor.Linux Media Labs announces Linux
Kernel 2.6.31 driver for LML26415, available for download
immediately from LML’s web site under the terms of GNU GPL
license.LML26415 provides high quality H264 video/audio capture and
playback, has flexible and very detailed control over
capture/playback process with dozens of adjustable settings, also
providing access to raw video and audio data for both capture and
playback.LML26515 PCI controller is implemented with Altera Cyclone-II
and offers unique combination of ready to use video processing
device and generic video processing FPGA based research and
education kit,that includes JTAG programming cable, complete source
code (VHDL,Verilog) for PCI (OpenCores) and MG1264 (LML)
interfaces,as well as ample free FPGA configuration space (over
70%) for custom end user code, logic analyzer function, and other
virtual tools.LINUX MEDIA LABS