“The Open Lab of Bioinformatics.org has a custom
installation of the SourceForge project management system, the same
system that is hosting more than 6,000 generic, Open Source
projects at SourceForge.net.“
“Bioinformatics.org is a non-profit, academe-based organization
committed to opening access to bioinformatics research projects,
providing Open Source software for bioinformatics by hosting its
development, and keeping biological information freely available.
We are a community focused on the freedom of information as it
pertains to the biosciences.”
“With the addition of the SourceForge system, Bioinformatics.org
offers a cornucopia of services to the developers of Open Source
bioinformatics software: advanced Web-based administrative tools,
providing easy maintenance for all aspects of your project; an SSH
account that provides basic shell functions, your own crontab, and
access to your HTTP directory; a Web site for your project;
quota-less drive space (within reason); access to the MySQL DBMS
from your shell account and Web directory; the Mailman mailing list
manager; your own CVS modules, available anonymously to the outside
world; a Web interface for examining CVS modules; full read/write
access to your own FTP directory, available anonymously to the
outside world; the Wiki documentation system; an e-mail address for
yourself: yourname@bioinformatics.org; and more!”