
LinuxPR: HELIOS support for dual-processor Pentium systems with Linux

“HELIOS Software GmbH announces its network and prepress server
software now fully supports multiple processors running the Linux
operating system on Pentium-based computers.”

“HELIOS already supports single-processor computing with its
currently shipping CD014. This version contains a bootable Linux
runtime based on RedHat 5.2 using the Linux Kernel 2.0.36 to
support the HELIOS software applications as well the Linux TCP/IP,
NFS, FTP and Web services to serve Macintosh, Windows, UNIX and
Internet clients.”

“To make use of multiple processors (see Technical Note below),
an upgrade to the more recent 2.2 kernel is necessary. The download
from the HELIOS web site is one tar archive containing the RPM
packages to upgrade as well as an upgrade.sh script to install
everything needed.”


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