Ever-interested in slaking our curiosity on how to best go about
submitting a patch for inclusion in Linux, we came across this mail
from Linus, written in response to a curious developer, which
spells it out rather concisely.
Date: Wed, 25 Apr 2001 14:31:30 -0700 (PDT) From: Linus Torvalds <torvalds@transmeta.com>
> > I've got a question... I would like where to send my driver > patches...
Probably both me and Alan.
[ General rules follow. Too few people seem to have seen them
before ]
Most importantly, when sending patches to me:
- specify clearly that you really want to see them in the
standard kernel, and why. I occasionally get patches that just say
“this is a good idea”. I don’t apply them. Especially if they are
cc’d to somebody else too, in which case I pretty much assume that
it’s a RFC, not a “real patch”.