
OLinux.com.br: Miguel de Icaza talks about Gnome and his new company HelixCode

[ Thanks to Fernando
for this link. ]

“OLinux: What is the main purpose of Gnome and how far is it to
achieve its goals?”

“Miguel de Icaza: GNOME is trying to bring new and missing
technologies to free systems, in particular GNU/Linux, but GNOME
works on pretty much every Unix out there….”

“OLinux: You have started a HelixCode, right? What is the focus
of your business? How many cds of Helixcode have been sold you
downloaded from the site? Are you planning an IPO?”

“Miguel de Icaza: Helix Code is a company focused on making sure
free software is viable in today’s world. So we are developing free
software productivity applications under the GPL, and we are also
providing consulting services and support for other companies.”

“The Helix GNOME distribution is just a service to the GNOME
community: we know that it is sometimes hard to keep up with the
latest advances in the rapidly evolving GNOME project.”


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