QOTW: "Figuring out the simplest thing is often very hard." Bruce Eckel "People are so full of context." Bengt Richter Discussion: A proposal for overloadable assignment is met with general disapproval, but provokes the suggestion of a new ':=' operator with no default semantics. http://groups.google.com/groups?threadm=9383481e.0304012011.78f05548%40posting.google.com Informal comparisons of distributed computing technologies, including CORBA, XML-RPC, SOAP, ... http://groups.google.com/groups?threadm=a626bbd7.0304020829.1e5cac2f@posting.google.com More descriptions than you want of the theory of ints and floats. http://groups.google.com/groups?threadm=fjss6b.1021.ln@boundary.tundraware.com Announcements: apm.py 0.1.0: The goal of apm.py is providing of an uniform and platform independent interface to APM. <<A HREF="http://www.iapp.de/~riemer/projects/apm.py/>">http://www.iapp.de/~riemer/projects/apm.py/>; Novelwriting 0.3: Generates random text based on a user-defined grammar. <<A HREF="http://unpythonic.net/~jepler/novelwriting/index.html>">http://unpythonic.net/~jepler/novelwriting/index.html>; pyGDChart2 alpha: A Python interface to the popular GDChart graphing library. <<A HREF="http://www.nullcube.com/software/pygdchart2.html>">http://www.nullcube.com/software/pygdchart2.html>; PyKDE-3.5-1: A set of Python bindings for the basic KDE libraries. It allows you to build KDE applications in Python and use KDE widgets, dialogs and other features as well. <<A HREF="http://www.riverbankcomputing.co.uk/pykde>">http://www.riverbankcomputing.co.uk/pykde>; python-ldap-2.0.0pre07: An object-oriented API to access LDAP directory servers from Python programs. <<A HREF="http://python-ldap.sourceforge.net/>">http://python-ldap.sourceforge.net/>; PythonMagick 0.4: PythonMagick is a wrapper around GraphicsMagick. <<A HREF="http://www.procoders.net/pythonmagick>">http://www.procoders.net/pythonmagick>; SCons 0.13: SCons is a software construction tool (build tool, or make tool) written in Python. <<A HREF="http://www.scons.org/>">http://www.scons.org/>; SQLObject 0.3: SQLObject is an object-relational mapper. It allows you to translate RDBMS table rows into Python objects, and manipulate those objects to transparently manipulate the database. <<A HREF="http://sqlobject.org>">http://sqlobject.org>; ======================================================================== Everything you want is probably one or two clicks away in these pages: Python.org's Python Language Website is the traditional center of Pythonia http://www.python.org Notice especially the master FAQ http://www.python.org/doc/FAQ.html PythonWare complements the digest you're reading with the daily python url http://www.pythonware.com/daily Mygale is a news-gathering webcrawler that specializes in (new) World-Wide Web articles related to Python. http://www.awaretek.com/nowak/mygale.html While cosmetically similar, Mygale and the Daily Python-URL are utterly different in their technologies and generally in their results. comp.lang.python.announce announces new Python software. Be sure to scan this newly-revitalized newsgroup at least weekly. http://groups.google.com/groups?oi=djq&as_ugroup=comp.lang.python.announce Brett Cannon continues the marvelous tradition established by Andrew Kuchling and Michael Hudson of summarizing action on the python-dev mailing list once every other week. http://www.python.org/dev/summary/ The Python Package Index catalogues packages. http://www.python.org/pypi/ The somewhat older Vaults of Parnassus ambitiously collects references to all sorts of Python resources. http://www.vex.net/~x/parnassus/ Much of Python's real work takes place on Special-Interest Group mailing lists http://www.python.org/sigs/ The Python Business Forum "further[s] the interests of companies that base their business on ... Python." http://www.python-in-business.org The Python Software Foundation has replaced the Python Consortium as an independent nexus of activity http://www.python.org/psf/ Cetus does much of the same http://www.cetus-links.org/oo_python.html Python FAQTS http://python.faqts.com/ The old Python "To-Do List" now lives principally in a SourceForge reincarnation. http://sourceforge.net/tracker/?atid=355470&group_id=5470&func=browse http://python.sourceforge.net/peps/pep-0042.html The online Python Journal is posted at pythonjournal.cognizor.com/. editor@pythonjournal.com and editor@pythonjournal.cognizor.com welcome submission of material that helps people's understanding of Python use, and offer Web presentation of your work. *Py: the Journal of the Python Language* http://www.pyzine.com Tenth International Python Conference http://www.python10.org Archive probing tricks of the trade: http://groups.google.com/groups?oi=djq&as_ugroup=comp.lang.python&num=100 http://groups.google.com/groups?meta=site%3Dgroups%26group%3Dcomp.lang.python.* Previous - (U)se the (R)esource, (L)uke! - messages are listed here: http://www.ddj.com/topics/pythonurl/ http://purl.org/thecliff/python/url.html (dormant) or http://groups.google.com/groups?oi=djq&as_q=+Python-URL!&as_ugroup=comp.lang.python Suggestions/corrections for next week's posting are always welcome. E-mail to <<A HREF="mailto:Python-URL@phaseit.net">Python-URL@phaseit.net> should get through. To receive a new issue of this posting in e-mail each Monday morning (approximately), ask <<A HREF="mailto:claird@phaseit.net">claird@phaseit.net> to subscribe. Mention "Python-URL!". -- The Python-URL! Team-- Dr. Dobb's Journal (http://www.ddj.com) is pleased to participate in and sponsor the "Python-URL!" project.
Python-URL! – Weekly Python News and Links (April 9)
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