Yelp 1.0.7
Yelp 1.0.7
Help browser for GNOME 2.0 which supports docbook documents, info and
Changes in 1.0.7:
* i18n fixes (Marius Andreina)
* Bug fixes (Padraig O'Briain,
Mikael Hallendal)
* Added translations (be, he, ta, (Yanko Kaneti,
Fatih Demir,
Dmitry G. Mastrukov)
GObject Factory 0.1
Gobject Factory GObject Factory 0.1
A GUI app for creating GObject skeletons
- XSLT parser is now used for the code generation backend instead of C
- GObject templates can now be loaded and saved
- added about box
- hooked up most of the menu items
- add function to output the GObject description to XML
gnome-applets 2.0.4
gnome-applets "1.4 for the square" 2.0.4 is out.
Changes since 2.0.4
* Updated version number (me)
* Other stuff (plenty of people)
* Many exotic languages (lots of guys and gals)
Download place
(Doing releases for somebody else sure saves time, the only thing I have
to do is think of a funny release name)
/Bastien Nocera
Perfection is reached, not when there is no longer anything to add, but
there is no longer anything to take away.
Antoine de Saint-Exupery
gedit 2.0.6
gedit 2.0.6
Small and lightweight UTF-8 text editor for the GNOME environment.
It supports most standard editing features, plus several not found in your
average text editor (plugins being the most notable of these).
Complete GNOME integration is featured.
Changes since 2.0.5
-Updated translations (lots of people)
-Backported lots of bugfixes from the 2.1 branch.
Visage 0.1beta1
The first public version of Visage, 0.1beta1 "Setting The Scene" has
been released.
Visage is a program you can use to rapidly organise and visualise
information. You can use it to organise your thoughts, or any sort of
information that needs to be thoroughly "cross referenced".
Compared to other similar programs, it is based on two main principles:
- That information does not necessarily fit into a single hierarchy, as
some other information organisation programs attempt to do. Programs
such as word processors also attempt to do this. But information might
not fit into any hierarchy, or might fit into several alternate
hierarchies. Whether you use a hierarchy and which you choose (if so)
is merely a way to view the data, and not a part of the data itself.
- That data is fundamentally typed, and if one wishes one should be able
to define constraints on data that are enforced either rigourously or
Visage is released under the GNU GPL, and relies on the Bakery2
framework for C++ GNOME2 applications.
Current versions of Visage have several major limitations - namely no
ability to view information in hierarchies, and no ability to
export/import information to foreign file formats.
Please read the README file for a list of limitations and known bugs.
For more information, or to download Visage, see:
or email: