KMameleon 1.0
“KMameleon is a slick and easy to use KDE XMame
( – An UNIX/Linux/*BSD version of MAME, Multiple
Arcade Machine Emulator wrapper…”
DVD Audio Extractor
“It extracts soundtracks from DVD’s, does automatic downsampling
when needed, optionally normalises the audio and saves to wav, ogg
or mp3. It can even call K3B for you if you want to burn straight
to Audio CD…”
Image Service Menu 1.2
“This is a images Kde servicemenu: compress images, resize
images, convert images, rotate images, treatment of images…”
Konverter 0.6
“Konverter is an easy to use but powerfull KDE frontend for
MEncoder that helps to convert almost every videofile into the most
common different videoformats and codecs…”