
Should Operating Systems Be Intuitive?

“Given the frequency with which the term “intuitive” is bandied
about in the computing context — particularly from the halls of
Redmond and Cupertino — it seemed to Linux Girl that this question
was an important one.

“Should computers be intuitive, requiring little to no learning
or thinking? For that matter, is it even possible for them to be
so? Linux Girl couldn’t resist asking around.

“”Nothing is intuitive,” Montreal consultant and Slashdot
blogger Gerhard Mack told LinuxInsider. “Think about it: We have to
be taught to use a toilet, how to use a fork and how to drive. Why
do we expect computers to be some magic thing that does not have a
learning curve?”

“The best we can do is keep things “following the same rules as
much as possible so that people can extrapolate how new tasks are
done and so people don’t constantly have to relearn existing
tasks,” Mack added.”


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