[ Jeff Gerhardt
writes: ]
“Arne Flones, well know commendatory on Linux and open source
issues, has joined the team at “The Linux(r) Show!! Jeff Gerhardt,
Executive Producer and host of The Linux(r)Show!! stated,
“Arne’s diversity of skills, knowledge and experience bring a
new flavor to the team. He has great skill in crafting written
words, and so we expect him to take a strong leadership roll in
helping us to create and direct the content at our new
“GeekCast.Com” web site. This will be key to our organization
as our “show” begins its transformation into a multi-show network.
With Arne’s diverse background, who knows in 6 months he will
probably doing his own show.”
Arne W. Flones is the president of Long Ship Software in
Ontario, CA. Arne is expert in multiple OS’s and programming
languages including; Linux (Slackware, S.u.S.E., Red Hat and
Debian), Pascal, BASIC, X86 Assembler, Forth, C, Fortran, DBL,
Cobol, Fortran IV, Fortran 77, Perl, almost any scripting language.
Oh yeah, and Windows too.
Arne was a teacher and director of the computer lab at Wichita
Business College and also at Cowley County Community College. In
the busines community, Arne has been everything from an acoustical
engineer to a systems analyst/developer for a plethora of firms
that includes; Lodgistix, Professional Applications, Inc., Boeing
Military Airplane Company and the Michigan Bell Telephone
Projects Arne has worked on include; development of major
applications in the “Hospitality” industry, developed multi-tasking
point of sale system for a retail chain, vertical market analysis
program for financial planners, and designed and implemented sonic
test series for the newly re-engined (at least at the time) KC-135R
Arne is very well known for his skills at seeing through the
“BS” of an issue, and his commitment to the truth. He has
frequently “ruffled the feathers” of many a supposed IT