[ Thanks to M.
Fioretti for this link. ]
“James Michael Dupont (Mike) is a software developer
that is doing a lot to promote Free/Open Source Software (FOSS) in
Kosovo and other Balkan countries. This year, Mike invited a first
class team to spend a couple of weeks in the southern Balkans, to
explain why and how FOSS can play a great role in the social and
economic development of those countries. The team included (I’m
only naming those I met personally) Gnash developer Rob Savoye,
technology historian Peter Salus, former member of the X.org Board
of Directors Leon Shiman and LibreDwg developer Rodrigo Rodrigues
da Silva.“I attended the first and final parts of the tour, that is the
two conferences FreeSB (Free Software in Balkans) and SFK10
(Software Freedom Kosova 2010). All the guys mentioned above gave
really great talks that you can find (both slideshows and video!)
on the conference websites. A few , only apparently “minor” talks
that I found very relevant for the issues presented below are
described in a separate page: Free Software solutions to Balkan