“Thanks to all students and mentors for their great work! Below
you will find a short interview with each of the students, asking
them about the cool things they have been working on for the past
few months.“Alessandro Sivieri about his project: “The aim of the project
was to create a semantic load and save dialog system, an
alternative to the current one. The idea is to allow users to
specify meta information, tags and relations about their files
while saving them, instead of just a location and a filename. This
will enable you to find your files later on. The dialog system has
been created and now my mentor Sebastian Trueg and I are working on
integrating it into kdelibs. The user will be able to switch
between the current file save dialog and the new one, making it
easy to try it. This work is still in progress and of course I will
blog about it as soon as it will be testable. It has been great
working with the KDE community in these three months, and I hope to
enjoy it more and more in the future.” Find out more in
Alessandro’s blog.”
What I Did On My Summer Holiday
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