“In October 1995, a small Boston trade show called Internet
World turned into a watershed in enterprise computing. Next week’s
LinuxWorld Conference and Expo promises the same type of turning
point, this time for an upstart operating system.”
“The [HP’s] PA-RISC support is unique in that HP is relying on
an independent entity, The Puffin Group, to develop Linux-based
PA-RISC servers. HP is providing Puffin with hardware, technical
support and documentation, but not cash, said Wayne Caccamo, head
of HP’s Open Source Solutions Operation.
The Puffin connection is a direct challenge to some critics’
argument that the Linux development community is too diffuse and
unorganized for enterprise vendors and users to effectively deploy
and manage their tools.”
“In addition, HP will announce Web-based training for Linux
administrators and developers and extend its electronic support
infrastructure to include Linux. HP has an alliance with commercial
Linux vendor Red Hat Software Inc., but HP could follow IBM’s lead
in pushing myriad Linux distributions to further foster
competition, Caccamo indicated.
Other vendors at the show, including Computer Associates
International Inc., (NYSE:CA)Oracle Corp. (Nasdaq:ORCL)and Infoseek
Corp. (Nasdaq:SEEK, will also demonstrate commitment to Linux as an
enterprise-ready operating system.”