“Novell DirectoryService v8, code-named Scaleable Directory
Services (SCADS), is a key underlying service of the Provo,
Utah-based firm’s NetWare operating system. NDS v8 is a heavy-duty
offering designed for Novell’s high-end service provider and
carrier customers, as well as internal corporate enterprises.
Novell is marketing NDS to customers who want to build a
scaleable Internet commerce strategy. Novells’ new Internet Service
Provider (ISP) niche represents a departure from the company’s
traditional corporate customer, and its latest NDS release has been
altered accordingly to store a huge number of entries from
customers and business partners.”
“At its annual BrainShare ’99 conference later this month, the
Provo-based firm is expected to demonstrate that NDS v8 can handle
1 billion entries. The existing version of NDS can handle 500
million entries.
Novell has already been busy building momentum for NDS. The
company has completed a version of NDS that can reside on top of a
Windows NT-based system as well as another for the Solaris version
of Unix from Sun Microsystems. It also has plans to integrate with
OS/390 mainframe software from IBM, a Unix version built by
Hewlett-Packard and a Linux offering from Caldera. “