“It was, perhaps, inevitable. But it is sad, nonetheless.
“On September 6, SGI sounded the death knell for yet another
Unix operating system/platform combo: the IRIX on MIPS platform. By
the end of 2006, all production on IRIX will cease, and in March
2007, SGI will no longer take orders for the product.“To say this was a surprise would be an error. Industry
watchers, analysts and humble pundits saw this as the most likely
outcome after SGI announced it would file for Chapter 11 bankruptcy
in May–a state that the company is still under. SGI’s goal is to
emerge from Chapter 11 around November, and it is very likely the
trimming of IRIX from the product line is part of the company’s
reorganization plans…”
Enterprise Unix Roundup: R.I.P, IRIX
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