“Looking to fuel development of Linux-based applications for its
upcoming 64-bit Itanium processor, Intel Corp. on Tuesday teamed
with Hewlett-Packard Co. to post an IA-64 Linux Simulator, part of
a software developer’s kit available for free on the Web. The IA-64
Linux Simulator was developed by HP to enable developers to emulate
the functionality of a Linux-based Itanium-powered machine using
systems running currently available Pentium — or IA-32 —
“While several major OS vendors have already announced support
for the new chip — including Microsoft Corp. (64-bit Windows), HP
(HP-UX), IBM (Monterey64) and Novell Inc. (Modesto) — the
availability of Linux-based applications is seen as crucial to the
chip’s success.”
“Broad availability of Linux applications is an important
component of HP’s Itanium processor-based server and workstation
environment,” said Mike Balma, director of marketing for HP’s Open
Source and Linux Operation.”