“Now available to the open source community — based on kernel
version 2.4 and optimized for powerful routing over xDSL, cable or
wireless modems.”
LIGHTNING, a leading manufacturer of secure Internet access
gateways, today announces its contribution to the open source
community: The company’s Linux distribution is based on the very
latest Linux kernel 2.4 and is used for advanced routing and
gateway functionality. It supports IP routing, extended address
translation and filtering, load sharing, transparent proxy
redirection, DHCP client and server, syslog and firewalls. The
Swiss company will now give the open source community access to
developments and modifications made on the open source projects.
The modified part of the open source project is also available at
LIGHTNING’s website.”
LIGHTNING chose an open source system because compared to other
systems Linux routing is very fast. The open source system offers
better performance, high speed for the implementation of new
developments, and it provides interoperability to other devices.
LIGHTNING-Linux is a complete GNU system, it is based on kernel 2.4
and works with Motorola 8xx processors as well as on Intel 386
platforms. Furthermore, it is based on the latest high performance
Glibc 2.1.3 library which provides POSIX compliant APIs
(Application Programming Interface).”