[ Thanks to osfaq
for this link. ]
“Are you looking for cutting edge supercomputer technology
on your network? In this article we will cover how to setup a Linux
supercomputer. I will cover both the hardware and software
configurations, but you should have a good understanding of
networking and Linux before reading this article.“
“To configure a supercomputer you need a network of computers,
each setup with a Linux compatible network card. On the master
computer (Front End) which controls the slave nodes, you need two
network cards. One network card will attach to the clusters network
and the second will attach to the outside network. The computers
don’t have to be the same speed or configuration, but are required
to be compatible with Linux. Since I’m going to be covering the
graphical install so you should also have a compatible X Windows
video card….”
“To configure a Linux supercomputer you need a software package
called “Beowulf”. Beowulf was originally design by NASA and few
other people to allow you to cluster ordinary pc hardware and Linux
to create a supercomputer. Overtime a distribution was created that
came bundled with Beowulf. In this article I’m going to be covering
the installation of the Beowulf v2 distribution….”