
AllLinuxDevices: David Sugar: Bayonne Project Reaches Milestone 6

“In distributing the sixth milestone release of Bayonne, we have
chosen to focus on providing a free software platform for creating
and deploying next generation XML integrated voice applications.
Traditionally such systems have only either been available as
limited proprietary software, or only provided thru external
hosting services. In providing Bayonne with XML support, we intend
to deliver a free software solution that not only can be used for
those hosting telephony services, but which can also be integrated
and deployed entirely within the enterprise if so desired.”

“This initial release of milestone 6 has the first functional
snapshot of Bayonne XML services. This includes a plugin which
introduces a special XML dialect, BayonneXML. BayonneXML is
intended to become a superset of the existing CallXML dialect and
will provide support for additional features and functionality
specific to Bayonne. Our intent is to support a wide body of XML
languages thru plugins, including those that do fully conform to
existing XML language specs (CallXML, VML, VXML, XTML, etc), rather
than providing a server that can only execute a single dialect.
This will allow Bayonne to provide voice browsing to entirely other
kinds of XML data thru the development of additional plugins.”

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