“…I am skeptical of Indrema, much like I’m skeptical of
anything Open Source trying to enter an arena where Open Source
principles probably won’t make a difference. My son Sean isn’t what
Indrema considers to be a hardcore gamer: he’s too young and
doesn’t spend enough money on gaming.”
“But he shares one thing with what Indrema considers to be the
hardcore gamer: he’s not tied to platforms, but rather to
individual games. Though Sean has ventured into the world of
non-Pokemon games, he’s soon bored and he ends up returning to his
Pokemon games.”
“On the one hand, you would think that it’s good that hardcore
gamers are ties to games and not to platforms, because in theory it
would give Indrema more of an level playing field when it attempts
to go after Nintendo, Sega, Sony, and Microsoft. But just the
opposite is true: the serious games developers know what platforms
work best for them, and they’re already tied to platforms.
Currently, the process of developing games is highly secretive and
the antithesis of Open Source.”