
ApacheWeek: Issue 233 2nd February 2001

In This Issue: Apache Week at LinuxWorld, Under Development and
Apache 1.3.17 Released.

“Apache Week was at the LinuxWorld Conference and Expo in New
York this week and looking for everything at the show that
mentioned services or support based on Apache. We were suprised at
the huge number of companies that were using Apache in some way;
embedded into appliances or as part of larger products or
offerings. Of particular note were the following

“Despite some last-minute Netware emergencies, Apache 1.3.17 was
finally released on Monday. This was quickly followed by a bug
report explaining that mod_rewrite was once again misinterpreting
rewrite map rules: a problem that first surfaced after the patch
for the earlier security bug was released. A fix was submitted by
Christopher A. Bongaarts, and this got checked in on Wednesday. Jim
Jagielski has proposed that 1.3.18 be released early next


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