
ASPSeek 1.0.1 Open Source Search Engine Code Available

[ Thanks to Maxim
for this link. ]

[ Note on licensing from http://www.aspseek.com/about.html:
“This search engine uses opensourced software – ASPSeek, which is
developed by SWsoft and available under GNU GPL licence.” – LT ed.

SWsoft has just released second stable version of ASPSeek –
1.0.1. You can get the sources from http://www.sw.com.sg/products/aspseek/

ASPSeek is Internet search engine software. It consists of
indexing robot, search daemon and search frontend (CGI program).
ASPSeek is written in C++ using STL library. You can use ASPSeek to
build search engine for your site, or some specialized search

ASPSeek has all the features that are expected from such
software. You can index as many as few million URLs (on decent
hardware) and search for words, phrases, use wildcards and boolean
search; results are very relevant due to some techniques used. Some
more features includes: stopwords, charset and language guesser,
ispell suport, HTML templates for search results, excerpts, query
words highlighting, and many more.

Changes since 1.0.1:
— Fixed SEGV in searchd when WordForms together with ul were
— Tried to avoid some nasty -O2 problems (read FAQ for
— Added “Port” command description in searchd.conf
— Added FAQ file
— Added note about anonymous CVS access in INSTALL

Changes since 0.9.9:
— few bugfixes (including index coredump);
— IP-based ACL for searchd; sorting results by date;
— limit results to given time period;
— default template fixes;
— porting to more platforms (in progress).

You can try ASPSeek online at

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