
Build Your Own Video Community With Lighttpd And FlowPlayer (Debian Lenny)

[ Thanks to Falko
for this link. ]

“This article shows how you can build your own video
community using lighttpd with its mod_flv_streaming module (for
streaming .flv videos, the format used by most major video
communities such as YouTube) and its mod_secdownload module (for
preventing hotlinking of the videos) on Debian Lenny. I will use
FlowPlayer as the video player, a free Flash video player with
support for lighttpd’s mod_flv_streaming module. I will also show
how you can encode videos (.mp4 .mov .mpg .3gp .mpeg .wmv .avi) to
the FLV format supported by Adobe Flash.

“This document comes without warranty of any kind! I want to say
that this is not the only way of setting up such a system. There
are many ways of achieving this goal but this is the way I take. I
do not issue any guarantee that this will work for you!

“1 Preliminary Note

“In this tutorial I use the hostname server1.example.com with
the IP address These settings might differ for you,
so you have to replace them where appropriate.

“We need a lighttpd installation with PHP support, as shown in
this tutorial: Installing Lighttpd With PHP5 And MySQL Support On
Debian Lenny. I won’t cover this here, so please refer to this
tutorial if you haven’t already set up lighttpd with PHP

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