
Building Your Own Linux Kernel, part 2

“Four ways to configure
From the kernel source directory, there are four ways to configure
depending on what sort of user interface you want: make config
(command-line), make menuconfig (terminal-based menus, Figure 1),
make xconfig (Qt, Figure 2), and make gconfig (GTK, Figure 3).

“I recommend menuconfig. Plain config makes you step through all
the kernel options (there are thousands!) one by one, while xconfig
and gconfig require lots of development headers for Qt or

“In menuconfig, use the up and down arrow keys to move between
options. On a category (anything with “—->”), the “buttons” at
the bottom control what happens when you Enter: Select descends
into the category, Exit goes back up a level, and Help displays
help. The right and left arrow keys move between buttons. You can
also type ? to view help.”


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