“NuSphere, a Progress Software Company, delivered its initial
shipment of NuSphere MySQL to customers today, becoming the first
packaged software product for the open source database marketplace.
NuSphere MySQL is a multi-platform, integrated distribution of
Apache, Perl, PHP and MySQL. Designed for Linux, Unix, and Windows
platforms, the packaged solution is available for $79.”
“This initial shipment supports RedHat Linux 6.2 and Windows 9x,
NT, and 2000 platforms. Additional platform support for the major
commercial UNIX will follow in later releases. NuSphere MySQL is
also available for download at www.nusphere.com.”
“NuSphere is working closely with the MySQL development
community to make the 600 pages of documentation for MySQL
available in print. This initial shipment of NuSphere MySQL
contains the first ever release of the MySQL Reference in printed